I am in the process of being brave enough to start my own company. It scares the shit out of me and I don't really know why. Or well I do, the risk of failure of course. But it's not like I'll quit my job and put all my eggs in one basket. I will do it in my spare time and keep my job(s).
What I want to do is to combine my two occupations, psychologist and yoga teacher. I have given it a lot of thought and gradually things are becoming clearer. My first project is going to be a course based on the thoughts in previous post, How to not throw the baby out with the bathwater. It will be about how to become aware of your thoughts and how to address the ones you wish you had less of. Right now I am still working on the format, but I am thinking posts by me on the blog and individual email correspondence between me and the participants. But I also want to create some kind of place where the participants can meet each other and support each other. The course will be internet based, run for 4-5 weeks, the main language will be English, but the individual correspondence can also be in Swedish or Danish if you so wish. It will be free of charge, however I would appreciate that you at the end of the course give me a lot of feedback so that I can get some ideas on how to improve and move on. If you already now have ideas on what you would like, please let me know.
The first course will have a limited number of places, at the moment I am thinking no more than 5 participants. If you are interested, I would like you to email me on mybravenewlife@gmail.com. I will then keep you updated as to when we will begin (I am thinking in about a month's time) and I will present myself a bit more, with my CV and so on, so you'll know who you are dealing with. If there are more than 5 people interested, I will start a new course about a month after the first one.
I look forward to hearing from you!
Gratis? Är det gratis eftersom det är en testkurs? Jag är gärna med! Lägger ut detta på min blogg oxå så får vi se om fler nappar -det tycker jag att de borde. Lägger ut ikväll. Spännande!!
Utmärkt! Jag skickar snart ut mer info. Ja, det är gratis för att det är en testkurs men också för att jag har inte kommit igång med de mer tekniska delarna av ett företag med skatt etc. och jag vill bara komma i gång nu och så får jag tar det lite senare. Det är också av en annan anledning som jag nog skriver ett inlägg om lite senare ;) Tack för att du lägger ut det på din blogg!
Jag är intresserad! Ska genast maila. Hoppas jag får plats...
Intresserad och jag försöket maila men jag fick mailet tillbaka, det gick inte fram... trots att jag copy-paste mailaderssen? Maila mig om det finns platser kvar..
wozzgirl@gmail.com /Sus
Det fattas ett "w" i mailadressen tror jag... Står "mybravenelife", det borde väl vara "mybravenewlife"?
Japp, saknades ett w, är nu fixat!
Ser fram emot mer info!
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