…is also a common feeling in motherhood. And fatherhood, I assume. The little one is 6 weeks old tomorrow and me and his father is getting to know him better and better. He does, however change a lot and it is hard to know if these changes are good ones or bad ones. Or more to the point, something might seem good on the surface, but is it really? An example of this is that the little one has had a habit of waking up once a night, around 2-3 am. However, two nights in a row he has not woken up, but has slept through the night. That seems like a good thing, right?
Well, I don’t know. It could be and I do appreciate that I should be grateful for a baby that sleeps through the night. But in combination with that he hasn’t been eating as much as he has been (and what is that all about? We have spoken to the health visitor and she says to not to worry as it is probably temporary), is it a sign that he is ill? I do not know. He seems fine in all other aspects.
Anyway, we decided that we would wake him and give him a bottle if he hadn’t woken up by 3 am. So how crazy is this, at 3 am my alarm went off and I woke up a sleeping baby.
He took the intrusion very well and was happy to eat. So what can one conclude from that? Absolutely nothing! There is no way to know if he had woken up on his own accord 30 minutes later or if he would have kept sleeping.
Having said that, I am happy that I woke him up as he did eat. But at the same time, I don’t know if it is mega crazy to wake a sleeping baby...
And since I don’t know, I am left to worry about it...
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